Welcome to my website blog
I will be blogging about mindfulness, healing and hypnobirthing in the future. My first blog is about professional supervision which I co wrote with a friend. The blog the Wherewithal was well received on social media when it was released. I hope you enjoy reading it.

The gift of Presence and Mindfulness – hospice care
“Paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally, with compassion, curiosity and acceptance” I am a health care professional my main background being in midwifery. Becoming a midwife enabled me to support women and babies. To be present and be an enabler at one of life’s greatest miracles- the arrival of a new human life. Midwifery involved me in the miracle of life, and being […]

A Podcast with – Denise Cohen on Mindfulness & Midwifery
I’m pleased to share this podcast I created with The Motivational Midwife

The Wherewithal
The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.– The White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland Marie is still extremely busy around the maternity ward where she works. Every day is like this. So much to do and her head often buzzing. At the end of each shift she often feels exhausted. Yet something has started to change recently. She has started to feel a lot better inside, calmer and clearer […]